There are different ways to do this but all are really variations on a single theme.
And the theme is this:
Getting your outsourcer to create content that you then sell access to.
This is still being done successfully by marketers right across the IM niche and beyond.
I’ve seen it done multiple times with PLR sites. You probably have too
The site owners pay their outsourcers to create PLR packages and then sell them to their (often hundreds of) subscribers for $17 – $97 a month.
I’ve seen it done in the music niche too, where researchers find out what type of bands or performers the A&R departments of various record companies are looking for, and put it together in a newsletter that wannabe musicians and bands subscribe to.
If the content you supply isn’t personality or expertise driven (for example you couldn’t really outsource a blog about your lifestyle and family because it would be extremely difficult to hand over the knowledge you have or the way you write to an outsourcer) then it can be outsourced
Another real life example is a newsletter that delivers information on a new hobby every month (for example crochet, photography, pickling) which includes, notes, resources, book recommendations, case-studies, backgrounds, links etc.
In short everything you need to ‘try out’ a new hobby for just a few quid a month.
You don’t know what the hobby package will be before it arrives, but you can guarantee it’s been well researched and put together by an outsourcer or staffer.
Many of these ventures, especially in the IM niche started out when a marketer hired an outsourcer to compile information for his own personal use then realized he can offset costs and make a profit by selling the information.
Another variation on this would be a membership site that supplied information, links, banners, ‘how to’ instructions and resources on the latest CPA campaigns that were being launched.
It just needs researching once, then you can sell access to that information for a fee.
The beauty of this is that if budget is an issue you could begin by compiling the information yourself and then outsourcing the work once profits allow, and while you spend time on marketing the service.
We’re living in an information age where people are more and more open to the idea of paying for cutting edge, current content.
You just need to do your sums, make the figures stack and scale up 🙂